Looking for a reliable dentist in Portland, OR? Contact Us!

From the first moment you contact our warm and friendly Portland dentist and team, we are committed to being your partners in oral health. Whether you’re anxious about dental care, have a specific current need, or are simply looking for a new dental team, we are committed to giving you what you want and need for your family’s healthy and beautiful smiles. From enhancing your smile with porcelain veneers to brightening it with expert teeth whitening treatments, we’re here to provide comprehensive care tailored to your needs.


New Patients

(971) 233-4624

Existing Patients

(503) 246-1710


1616 SW Sunset Blvd, Suite E
Portland, OR 97239,
United States


New Patient?

Please fill out the easy-to-use, private and secure Intake Form.

Intake Form

Most Insurance Plans Accepted

We help you understand your insurance & we file claims on your behalf!

Flexible financing options & easy pay plans available. We accept CareCredit.

We will help you maximize your benefits & get the treatment you need.



9 am to 5 pm

Wednesday 9 am to 5 pm

9 am to 5 pm

Friday 9 am to 4 pm